Computer assisted injection Therapies in the Treatment of TMJ disorders

The computer-assisted surgical simulation offered the opportunity to carry out a virtual
plan in different dental fields. TMJ injection and arthrocentesis pose the danger of extra-articular
injection, may require several punctures, and increases the likelihood of facial nerve damage and
extradural hematoma development. It may also cause post-operative severe pain. Computer
assisted injection of TMJ help in decrease these complications with perfect identification for
anatomical landmarks for injection site. In this lecture will illustrate indications and
contraindications of computer assisted injection and arthrocentesis of TMJ and demonstrate
protocol of digital arthrocentesis and TMJ injection.

Objectives : In this lecture will illustrate
1- indications and contraindications of computer assisted injection and arthrocentesis of TMJ
2-demonstrate protocol of digital arthrocentesis and TMJ injection.
3- compare between conventional and digital injection protocol