During our undergraduate studies, we focus on learning dental sciences and learning all
related materials, instruments and technology, putting in mind that these dental aspects,
knowledge and skills are enough to build success in the dental career. Then dentists face the real
life which is different.
Paradental sciences as management, marketing, psychology, Emotional intelligence and other
skills in presentation, communication, negotiation, sales and active listening, etc, could have more
impact on your patients in specific and the business model in general.
This lecture is designed to put the light on the importance of these corners and giving true stories
and applications for dentists and dental team that will impact their work dramatically in long term
success through presenting some current problems and methods of corrections.

Objectives : Learning objectives: ellaborating
• What are the signs of success and who is the judge
• What are the main 5 secrets for the highly successful dentists around the world
• How can I apply easy and specific models to my practice that turn my life exceptionally
• Personality triads and personal activities that can help a lot
• Pricing in different markets and psychological Pricing
• How to Lock your success with keys to not fall down, as staying up is more difficult than reaching
• Recommendations in the Economical crisis