Transverse malocclusion in Orthodontics, Diagnosis and treatment

Buccal crossbite is a frequent orthodontic issue that orthodontists deal with daily. It can be caused by mandibular widening, maxillary constriction, or a combination of the two. It can also have skeletal or dental roots.
One frequent orthodontic method used to enhance maxillary width, enlarge the arch perimeter, and correct posterior crossbite is called rapid maxillary expansion, or RME.
An increase in Transverse malocclusion in Orthodontics may be linked to presence of posterior crossbite or not, which present orthodontic care challenges, so, our objectives
1- Prevention or at least early control is better than cure.
2- How to manage Transverse malocclusion in Orthodontics?


1- Prevention or at least early control is better than cure.
2- How to manage Transverse malocclusion in Orthodontics?
3- long term stability..