Navigating Flare-Ups in Root Canal treatment

Abstract: Navigating Flare-Ups in Root Canal treatment
Ebrahim Mohamed Sakr1 BSc Nada Mohamed Ali2 BSc
Root canal treatment involves meticulous mechanical and chemical cleansing followed by sealing to foster healing and repair of tissues around the tooth roots. However, patients may experience flare-ups characterized by intense pain and swelling, occurring unpredictably during or shortly after the procedure, necessitating unscheduled visits. Variables such as the number of treatment sessions and the type of medicaments used in the root canal procedure correlate with the occurrence of these complications. Despite efforts, there is no fail-safe procedure to entirely prevent flare-ups. Therefore, this topic discus the causes and proposes various strategies to mitigate and treat flare-ups effectively.

Keywords: flare-up, multi-visit, single-visit, root canal treatment, pain, acute exacerbations.

Objectives: 1: Identify the primary causes and risk factors associated with flare-ups in root canal treatment.
2: Evaluate current strategies and protocols aimed at preventing flare-ups.
3: Propose a comprehensive management framework for addressing flare-ups.