How to Increase Your Career Lifetime as a Dentist

Abstract: This lecture will focus on strategies to extend the longevity of a dental career by addressing both psychological and physical challenges faced by practitioners. Dentistry is a demanding profession that requires a balance between high patient care standards and maintaining personal well-being. We will explore the impact of stress, burnout, and ergonomic issues on dental professionals and provide evidence-based solutions to mitigate these risks.
Attendees will learn about the importance of mental health awareness, effective stress management techniques, and the implementation of ergonomic practices to prevent musculoskeletal disorders. Through recent research findings, case studies, and practical advice, this session aims to equip dental professionals with the tools and knowledge to sustain a long, healthy, and fulfilling career in dentistry.

Objectives: * How to prolong our career lifetime.
* Recognizing physical and psychological effects.
* How to avoid them.