Abstract: The preparation of abutment with no definite finish have been termed in several different ways, such as knife edge, feather edge, or shoulder-less. With slight differences between each other, all this preparation types are defined “vertical” as opposed to “horizontal” ones (shoulder, chamfer). From a biological standpoint, preserving a maximum amount of sound tooth structure, as it is done in vertical preparations, especially in certain clinical conditions such as endodontically treated teeth, vital teeth in young individual, teeth affected by caries at the cervical third can enhance the fracture behavior of these already compromised teeth. The development of new CAD/CAM materials, as well as a better comprehension of soft tissue biology has allowed the revival of ceramic Verti-preps.
This lecture will focus on preparation guidelines as well as different ceramic material for designing and managing vertical preparations. A re-evaluation of possible advantages and shortcomings of vertical preparation design in esthetic rehabilitation strategies will be discussed with presentation of different clinical cases with full coverage and veneer rehabilitation. Full digital workflow for Verti-prep cases emphasizing the complex laboratory analogue protocol for restoration execution will also be discussed. Moreover, a full adhesive protocol for bonding definitive restoration to vertically prepared abutment will be illustrated.
Objectives: 1. Distinguish the correct emergence profile in relation to gingival biotype and identify how to manipulate gingival tissues for a precise final impression.
2. Differentiate between the analogue and digital protocols for accurate margin recording and restoration fabrication.
3. Learn how to reline and adjust provisional, CAD/CAM provisional designing and fabrication made easy.
4. Uncover the full vertical preparation protocols for veneers as well as single and multiple unit FDP with the ideal bonding protocol for different CAD/CAM materials.