MIH: the truth behind clinical practices

One of the main goals of dental treatment is to mimic the teeth and design a smile in the most natural and esthetic manner possible, based on the specific needs of the individual patient. In aesthetic dentistry, the predominant trends are the minimally invasive treatments, aiming to remove the least possible amount of the dental structure, while obtaining aesthetically satisfactory outcomes. Ceramic veneers are indicated as a minimally invasive treatment and are the first option because of their mechanical properties and aesthetic longevity. However, with the recent improvements in composite resin properties, composite veneers are increasing in popularity since they show some advantages: they are easy to manipulate and repair, have higher flexural modulus, are cost-effective and are more conservative . Anterior dental restorations often involve difficult and time-consuming procedures. An improved direct injection technique using a digital workflow in the restoration of anterior teeth can be an alternative to save clinical time and yield a predictable and esthetic outcome. The injectable composite resin technique is a direct/indirect method in which a transparent silicone index is used to transfer the exact shape of the diagnostic wax-up to create definitive composite restorations as predictably as possible.


In this lecture I will present the rational and step by step protocol for the three techniques:

-Indirect ceramic veneers

-Polychromatic layering technique

-Flowable injectable technique