Plan the No Plan in Anterior Esthetic Cases

We all see disasters with anterior cosmetic cases specially when not based on effective treatment planning

Treatment planning should aim to help restore oral health and function with an acceptable esthetic outcome .predictability is a key detrimenant for long term success.

Vision of the final outcome is the initial step in determining the successful treatment plan i.e start with the end in mind

Steps of treatment :

Hear the patients complain
Allocate the signs of the problem
Gather information using photos ,videos and CBCT.
Virtual final outcome should be clearly identified
Plot the actual treatment plan
Mockup try in
Implementation of treatment following evidence based dentistry
Final restoration delivery
The lecture will show different failed cases and how the effective efficient treatment was done


1- awareness of the drawbacks when no planning an anterior cosmetic cases
2-step by step from diagnosis final treatment of anterior esthetic cases
3- clinical tips and tricks in rehabilitation with cosmetic veneers and crowns