Realistic Dentistry in the Era of Artificial Intellegance

 In today’s world tough times dentistry is facing challenges in its day to day protocols, Dentistry is torn out between the huge revolution in the technology and the severe economical crisis. Many dentists are suffering, trying to make the balance between providing good quality service with recent technology, up to date devices and not to be left behind or outdated.

So as a dentist that has been practicing for years or a fresh grad just starting your career, the answer of the question “how to survive in such tough times full of change?” brings us to the term “Realistic Dentistry” as a corner stone, mindset and a way of thinking to achieve this balance.

In this presentation, we are going through Dentistry from the basic to the most advanced procedures trying to give the guidance to every dentist to reach the good balance in everyday life as it fits each one in his context. Reflecting the impact of recent technologies as 3D, 4D, artificial intelligence as well as current trends in the social media and the virtual world.


Learning objectives:

Elaborating the following topics during the 2 hours with the interacting arguing speakers:


1) Artificial Intelligence possibilities and risks.

2) Perfectionism versus reality in day to day clinical situations.

3) Applications of 4d, 3d technology and their limitations.

4) Ethics and Esthetics.

5) Social media the: the good and the evil.

6) The whole balanced realistic dentistry.

7) Composite versus ceramics in the current era.

8) Recommendations in the time of crisis.