Computer Guided Implants : Past, Present and Future

The computer guided implant placement started to be recognized like 20 years ago. The start was quite limited and mainly by making a referencing appliance worn during obtaining the CT scan then milled to have access hole for the pilot drill. it improved from guiding only the pilot drill to fully guided drilling and instead of fabricating a referencing appliance worn during the radiographic examination to superimposition techniques and fabricating surgical guides with the 3D printing technology. the addition of guides for edentulous or full arch cases with stackable guides added a significant advantage for the concept, and now we are expecting another breakthrough in the Augmented reality environment. this presentation will briefly discuss what was, and what is current and concentrate on the AR possible future applications.


understanding the basic concepts of computer guided implants
exploring the modern designs and achievements in surgical implant guides
imagining the future of Augmented Reality surgical expectations