Crown Fracture Restorations in Anterior Esthetics: Simple Clinical Protocols

The developments of restorative materials and techniques lead more esthteic, functional, and long-lasting direct anterior restorations in a single visit. These restorations mimic the natural dental tissues very well as they have the advantage of being minimally invasive in a single appointment. Also, in many cases any tooth preparations are even not needed which are considered as non-prep. restorations. Formerly considered disadvantages such as instability and discoloration of these materials are now not an important problem even in long-term when a proper resin composite is selected and performed with correct indication and proper restorative technique. Crown fracture restorations, diastema closure restorations, and full veneer restorations are the major indications for the direct resin composites. Through the polychromatic layering advanced restorations can be performed while simpler restorations can be performed by monochromatic layering. This hands-on course will provide the clinical application tips and tricks for single-visit crown fracture restoartions in anterior esthetics. Simple clinical application protocols will be provided for esthetic and long-lasting restorations through the clinical cases and related hands-on applications.

Location: Al Gawhara Hall - Intercontinental city stars


Bora Korkut

Date: September 7, 2023 9:00 am -

Fees: 1000 EGP