Esthetic and Functional Crown Lengthening


Crown lengthening is one of the most commonly required procedures in restorative dentistry, yet it is often underutilized. The workshop provides in-depth look at the evidence-based concepts and practical applications for surgical crown lengthening and learn how to enhance predictability for your restorations and impression techniques are discussed for both Functional and Esthetic Crown Lengthening.


Theoretical part:

~This course provides a maximum ”hands-on” experience covering the various principles and clinical procedures needed for crown lengthening, starting from diagnosis till surgical managment.

~We will cover indications, contraindications, and methods of managing surrounding bone. .
~How to handle hard and soft tissues; proper surgical techniques; preservation of esthetics in the final tissue contours; and relocation of all structures that comprise the biologic width, namely: sulcus, junctional epithelium, connective tissue fibers, and bone.

Practical part (on sheep heads):

*Gingivectomy for crown lengthening.

*Undisplaced flap.

*Apically positioned flap.

*Different suturing techniques used for such procedure. 

Location: El Magles Hall - InterContinental Citystars - Cairo


Soulafa Belal

Date: September 7, 2023 9:00 am -

Fees: 500 EGP