Management of young permanent teeth pedi-Ortho multidisciplinary approach


1-Development of permanent teeth

2- Molar incisor hypo-calcification

3- impacted 1st permanent molar

4- impacted central incisor

5- space regainers

6- Uk guidelines for 1st permanent molar extraction


Hands on

1- endodontic management of young permanent teeth ( apexogensis, apexification, MTA apical plug and regerative dentistry)

2- handling different types of MTA ( powder, paste and putty )

3- selection and preparation of stainless steel crown for permanent molars

4- different types of space regainers ( removable and fixed ) appliances

Location: El Magles Hall - Intercontinental City Stars - Cairo


Ibrahim Mansour

Date: September 8, 2023 9:00 am -

Fees: 500 EGP