Bruxism in Children: Challenges and Recent Modalities

Abstract: Juvenile bruxism is a common condition in the dental practice; it is reported more frequently in children than in adults and has different effects on a child’s quality of life, it can cause tooth wear, audible sounds, and discomfort. Bruxism may be primary (relate mostly to stress) or secondary to medical conditions like GIT problems and cerebral palsy. Preventive measures have been studied like sleep hygiene to reduce adverse effects of bruxism. A controversy regarding therapeutic management of bruxism prevails among clinicians. Sleep hygiene measures and progressive muscle relaxation have been reported to reduce severe psychological stress in patients suffering from sleep disorders. The occlusal splint may reduce muscle activity and provide greater comfort to patients. Low level laser therapy has been administered to acupuncture points in adults with (TMJ) disorder, with a significant improvement.
The physical therapy role through electrical stimulation, massage, facial exercise, relaxation techniques and biofeedback is also effective.
Reviewing all reviews, randomized clinical trials and observational studies related to bruxism in children, published in the last 10 years.
The dentist should precisely diagnose juvenile bruxism, educate parents, and prevent possible complications. Also, justified clinical guidelines to treat juvenile should be developed. Assessment of etiological factors, type of bruxism is the cornerstone in formulating the treatment decision. Individual assessment for each case is mandatory in order to customize the treatment plan either wait and watch approach or early intervention (laser acupuncture, physical therapy or occlusal splint) that fit such case.

Objectives: 1. Diagnose juvenile bruxism with different methods
2. Assessment of etiological factors of bruxism either (primary or secondary, awake or sleep)
3. Case selection for early intervention (laser acupuncture, physical therapy or occlusal splint)