Missing laterals in orthodontics

Abstract: Maxillary lateral agenesis is generally diagnosed in children at a young age. Therefore, the most important treatment decisions must be linked to the long-term outcome, since change over time is normal in biologic systems.
As orthodontists, we are often faced with the question, to close or not to close? Since maxillary lateral incisors are often congenitally missing, replacement of these teeth raises several important treatment planning concerns. Therefore, it is beneficial to use an interdisciplinary treatment approach to obtain the most predictable outcome. There are multiple treatment options for the replacement of congenitally missing lateral incisors, including canine substitution, single-tooth implants, and tooth-supported restorations. Many challenges are involved in obtaining and retaining an optimal result in both closure or opening, so both treatment options will be discussed with its challenges and how to overcome.

Objectives: 1-Understand the challenges and treatment options available for patients with missing laterals including space closure, canine substitution, and dental implants.

2-Select the most appropriate treatment option for their patients based on individual patient needs and treatment goals, and the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration between orthodontists and other dental specialists.

3-Early diagnosis & interdisciplinary collaboration are key for optimal outcomes in missing lateral. Use digital tech & consider pt. aesthetics & expectations. Thorough understanding of etiology, diagnosis & ttt options is essential for successful ttt.