The Determinants of Outcome in Retreatment

The aim of endodontic treatment is to prevent or cure apical periodontitis. Root canal
treat-ment is a predictable procedure with a high survival rate. However, procedural problems
such as broken instruments, ledge formation, transportation of the canal, root perforation, and extrusion of the irrigants can affect the prognosis. On the other hand, patients demand the reten-tion
of their teeth more than ever before, and this results in an increasing necessity for the procedure.
Retreatment is easier with the help of Ni-Tis, irrigation systems, biomaterials, and ultrasonic
instruments. Even hopeless teeth can be saved. There is no doubt that both root ca-nal treatment
and retreatment of teeth are feasible and economical ways to preserve function. In this lecture,
factors that affect the outcome of retreatment will be discussed based on litera-ture and presented
Objectives : 1- Discuss causes of failure of Endodontic treatment
2- Analysis factors in decision making for retreatment
3- Discuss with clinical causes methods of retreatment